Museo Ebraico - Jewish Museum Lecce

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"Palazzo Taurino - Medieval Jewish Lecce" hosted the temporary exhibition "ALLA SCOPERTA DELL'IDUME TRA SCIENZA E POESIA" from Monday 23rd of October 2016 at 6:00 pm. Lecturers: Stefano Margiotta, Geologist, Antonio de Rinaldis, Biologist and Coordinator of Parco di Rauccio, Andrea Guido, Ass. Politiche Ambientali Comune di Lecce and Presidente Parco di Rauccio, Lorenzo Leccese, illustrator. Check out the details of the event >

Check out the PHOTOGALLERY >

Via Umberto I n° 9 - 73100 Lecce (LE)
+39 0832 247016
(University of Salento)
Director: Prof. Fabrizio Lelli
Museo Ebraico - Jewish Museum Lecce -
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Museo Ebraico - Jewish Museum Lecce
In cooperation with the University of Salento
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